DART provides its services to the public in full compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. DART is committed to ensuring that no person is denied the benefits of its services on the basis of race, color or national origin. This is guaranteed by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended.
No person or group of persons shall be discriminated against with regard to the routing, scheduling, or quality of transportation service furnished by DART on the basis of race, color, or national origin. Frequency of service, age and quality of vehicles assigned to routes, quality of stations serving different routes, and location of routes may not be determined on the basis of race, color or national origin.
Any person who believes that they have, as an individual, or as a member of any specific class of persons, been subjected to discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin may file a complaint with DART. A complaint must be filed within 180 days after the date of the alleged discrimination.
For more information on the Delaware Transit Corporation's civil rights program and the procedures to file a complaint, contact the Delaware Transit Corporation Customer Relations Section at 1-800-652-3278, option 2; email TitleVI Complaint or visit our administrative office at 119 Lower Beach Street, Wilmington, DE 19805. For more information on the Title VI Act and your Rights please visit www.justice.gov . Foreign language assistance is available upon request by calling 1-800-652-DART.
You may file a complaint directly with the Federal Transit Administration by filing a complaint with the Office of Civil Rights, Attention: Title VI Program Coordinator, East Building, 5th Floor-TCR, 1200 New Jersey Ave., SE, Washington, DC 20590.
DART Title VI Reporting ProcedureTitle VI Policies

Title VI Complaint Form

DART Declaración del Título VI  

DART Título VI Formulario de Reclamación