Welcome to the "Heart of DART", where DART employees showcase their spirit and dedication to you, our Customers. Our DART employees are our key asset of Delaware Transit Corporation/DART First State. The "Heart of DART" campaign showcases how our DART employees make a difference in the lives of our customers and to the various communities we serve.

Azeem Mirza
Azeem embodies all the values of HOD. Recently winning the HOD of the week for his versatility and ability to consistently manage diverse projects with exceptional attention to detail. Azeem is dedicated to delivering an exceptional customer service experience, every day, in every way internally and externally. Since starting with DTC just over two years ago, he exemplifies the Heart of DART spirit day after day…he does so with a positive attitude and a smile, radiating positive energy that is contagious. I have received countless accolades from his peers, supervisors, other managers and Chiefs, reflective of his team player attributes. He is an outstanding member of the DART Family, building strong relationships within his team and with others throughout the Corporation. Azeem truly exhibits the essence of "Heart of DART" and deserves this year's award!
Althea Lanier
Since the inception of the Heart of DART initiative, Althea has been somewhat of an "ambassador" for the Heart of DART; constantly reminding coworkers of what it means to demonstrate the Heart of DART and helping them understand how they themselves are the Heart of DART. Althea embodies a Heart of DART centric attitude in all of her daily interactions; greeting coworkers and customers with a smile and pleasantries and extending motivational words of encouragement as she only sees the glass as half full and never half empty… This is a perfect example of the type of person that Althea is - championing DTC at every opportunity and embodying the Heart of DART!

Watch below to see what the "Heart of DART" means to our employees.
Lorelei Bather Assists Lost Child - May 2022
A little girl came to my bus at Water Street (in Dover) and asked if she can go to Hartly. I told her we don't have a bus that goes to Hartly. The girl said she had to walk. I was really worried about this little girl walking 8 to 10 miles. When we got to Dover High School, I just couldn't leave her there. I called Dover Police and asked if they could please take her home. They said they would. I called Dispatch to let them know what was going on. Then I waited with the girl until the police got there. There was only one other passenger on the bus. I explained the situation and he was fine with waiting.

Thanking DART Employees On The Front Lines!
This truly shows that during these times, the employees are the: