Safety Inspections
Schedule Your Public Carrier Safety Inspection Today!
Safety inspections are a necessary part of operating as a Certified Public Carrier. The Office of Public Carrier performs safety inspections throughout the State of Delaware. Most of you have gone through a safety inspection while operating on the street. We know that this can disrupt your providing of services however safety inspections are vital to ensuring public safety.
Now you can minimize the disruption of a safety inspection by scheduling one. The Office of Public Carrier will inspect your entire fleet at a location and time that is mutually convenient to you and the Office of Public Carrier. The Office of Public Carrier will provide you with an inspection sheet for each vehicle. The inspection sheet will identify any safety deficiencies that may exist. No fines or penalties will be imposed and you will be provided with an opportunity to correct any deficiency before the vehicle is operated on the street.
After the performance of a scheduled inspection, the Office of Public Carrier will not road inspect your vehicle for six (6) months unless there is an obvious deficiency that is observed (such as a broken side view mirror or an inoperable tail or brake light); or if the vehicle was placed into service before all deficiencies were corrected.
The Benefits of Scheduling Safety Inspection Are Clear:
Vehicle Safety Inspections are performed when it is convenient for you.
Potential fines and penalties for vehicle deficiencies can be avoided.
You demonstrate you are proactive about public safety.
Please contact Frank DeSantis at the Office of Public Carrier to schedule an inspection. or 1.800.652.3278, Prompt 7.
Office of Public Carrier
119 Lower Beech Street
Wilmington, DE 19805
M-F 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM